My big sister ??

Created by Amy 3 years ago

When I was born , the first time R Cath saw me she said to my mum " I dont want that im hungry, make me some food"  she was always dressed immaculate and I always looked like a little ragga muffin and she wouldnt let me walk with her. I remember getting a brand new walkie talkie doll for christmas and R Cath jumped on it and its legs went flying up into the air and she broke it, she told mum it was me and I got a bollocking  Growing up we used to bicker alot and R poor Irene was always in the middle of it. 

All 3 of us used to sleep 3 in a bed and Cath always used to kick us both out of bed and when our dad used to come up and telll us off, it was never her who ended up with a clout.

Us 3 sisters always had our differences but we were always there for one and other , all 3 of us.


Love you always. Your little sister, Jack . Xx